Thursday, February 21, 2008


We got the official word that Halie is cancer free! It is what we have been waiting for since she was diagnosed. When I told Halie that she was cancer free, she burst into tears. This is the most emotion she has shown about any of this. I just held her and told her how proud her Daddy and I were of her. She is an inspiration. This morning there was a radio-athon for St. Jude Children's Hospital, and people were telling stories of their children's battle with cancer. Many of the stories ended in death and I was moved to tears. I am so thankful that healing was a part of Heavenly Father's plan for Halie. I am thankful for the faith that all of you had and the many prayers that were offered in her behalf. I know that Heavenly Father has a plan for us all. When Halie was first diagnosed I couldn't figure out why it had to be Halie. Going through this ordeal has taught our family, and especially me, so many things about love, faith and compassion. It has changed me forever. Thank you all.


Matt and Jill said...

What a blessing!!! I am so excited about the news. Reading your blog just about moved me to tears as well. You guys have endured a lot of trials over the years, and each time you come out stronger than you were going into it. You are all a huge inspiration to me and my family!

I must say I am very jealous of the fishing. I guess I need to dust my poles off and get out there!

Julie said...

Yeah!!!! That is such great news!! Hayley sounds like such a sweet girl. I bet you guys feel so relieved!! I have a question for you. Does Hayley only have one kidney now? If so, have they told her she has to do or not do certain things from now on to protect her good kidney? Kelson only has one good kidney and they might have to take his bad one out. I was just wondering what kind of things the doctors tell you about it. They dont tell us much cause hes still so little.

The Constantines said...

I was so happy to hear the news that Halie is cancer free! I ended up emotionally shouting it to all my roommates who, though they don't know her, were so happy as well. You guys are such great examples to me. I love you all very much!!

Jaime said...

That is so Awesome!! i bet you all couldn't be happier!!!
And Hayley I love all your new hair. You are so beautiful!